ab p12

3rd November 2014
Shopping Expo; International Trip; Battle of the Bands; Bike Ed.; Kinder Transition Program; 'How to Draw' books needed

Our shopping expo on Monday was a terrific success, thank you to all the parents and friends who baked, helped and bought!  Special thanks to Meloney Howell, Kate Wagstaff and Holly Munday for all of their hours of work organising the event.  A portion of the money raised is going towards furniture for the new school.  The sausage sizzle was run by the students who are hoping to take part in the International Trip in a few years.  They begin their fundraising efforts now, in order to pay for their travels and charity project.

Our year 7/8 students are taking part in the Battle of the Bands in Geelong this Friday – an entire busload of groupies (including several teachers!) will go along with them for increased crowd noise.  We hope they rock!

Bike Education begins for our year 3-6 students this week, teacher Emma De Grandi will take them through safe road rules and biking techniques over the next month.  This is yet another example of our wide range of extra-curricular activities!

Our Kindergarten transition program continues, with students from both parties proving very excited to meet each other and take part in joint learning activities.

If you have any unwanted 'how to draw' type books (eg 'How to draw baby animals), the Art Room would gratefully receive these to have for student use.  Thank you!


ab p12cFor more information please contact the College on (03) 5237 6483.