ab p12


30th January 2017
Back to School; Yr12 Study Camp & Studio Art Excursion; Student Teacher Interviews; Welcome New Preps

We’re back!

This week involves a study camp for Year 12 students at Bimbi Park as they head into the business end of their schooling career. Thank you to Frank and Katrina for their continued hospitality for this annual event.

Studio Art Year 12 students have an excursion to Melbourne (yes, they're giving up a day of holidays poor loves) to visit the Hockney and Preston/O’Keeffe/Cossington-Smith exhibitions at the NGV and Heide Gallery. They even have to suffer through my eighties playlist on the drive there, not allowed on the way home, sadly.

Students all have interviews and testing with their teachers on Tue. & Wed., allowing them time to discuss learning goals for the year as well.

And we also welcome our sparkling, gorgeous new Preps to their very first day at school, only about another 2,860 to go (but they can’t read big numbers yet, so that’s okay).


For more information please contact the College on (03) 5237 6483.

Nicola Philp