ab p12

19th August 2019
Kinder Transition; VCE Media ACMI Visit; War on Waste; Indian Banquet

The Kindergarten cuties begin their transition visits to school as they start to prepare for hanging with us permanently in 2020 – is it that time already?!

The VCE Media class head to ACMI in Melbourne to attend a lecture on agency and control in the media. And probably to have a nice lunch as well.

The War on Waste elective students conduct a waste audit for the school with the Resource Smart Centre in an effort to work out where we can improve. Stay tuned for some tips.

The International Trip students are organising their final fundraiser – a delicious 10 dish Indian banquet. If you would like to come along, tickets are available at the school office.


ab p12cFor more information please contact the College on (03) 5237 6483.

Nicola Philp