ab p12

4th November 2019
Annual Fete; 'House of Rock' Open Mic Fundraiser; Yr5 Kinder Visit; More Books Please

The week kicks off with the annual fete – thank you to everyone who contributed, helped and came along. Initial counting has us at around the $10k mark, which is mostly going towards a new 25 seater bus.

‘House Of Rock’ Piano Bar Open Mic.
Come to the November fundraiser at Iluka Cafe on Saturday the 9th from 5:30pm.
Get a pizza and a drink for $20 with 50% donated to the school - free entry! Contact Vini 0409 801 831.

Year 5 students head back to Kindy for the morning, revisiting the good ‘ol days of their youth in order to meet their Prep buddies for 2020.

We continue to collect books for the Monster Book sale on the 5th of January – donations of good quality books to the south end of the Leisure Centre. If you’d be interested in helping on the day please let Nicola Philp know.


ab p12cFor more information please contact the College on (03) 5237 6483.

Nicola Philp